Sunday, January 13, 2008


Today we decided to drive part of the way home on the beach. We took the Del Rey Road from Hwy 101 to the entrance to the beach and it was so full of driftwood and debris that I was wondering if we would make it. We got to the beach half way between low and high tides so we had a little bit of beach to drive on. When the tide is high the water is up against the dunes and it wouldn't be possible to drive on it. The beach was littered with driftwood and big tangled piles of Bull Whip Kelp. The big ocean storms tear the kelp loose from the ocean floor. The seagulls looked like they were having a feast on the piles.

They was a fine mist which restricted our view. We can usually see Washington from this point.

Some debris against the dunes.

The winter surf is a lot rougher than during the summer. We have had so much rain and wind and we are actually supposed to get four days with no rain this week starting the day after tomorrow on Tuesday.

I'm guessing it is about five miles from the Del Rey access to the Sunset Beach one which is closest to our house.


More driftwood.

Somebody's masterpiece.

A small pile of Bull Whip Kelp. This seaweed (algae) grows in beds deep in the ocean. It has a bulb (air bladder) on one end and the "whip" part can be 30 feet or longer. When we were kids we would stretch it out and then swing it around our heads and try to whip each other with it.

Clumps of beach foam.

I can't believe they are bare-footed in the cold January ocean.

A woman sitting on a large piece of driftwood.

Leaving the beach. I took this through the windshield while DeWayne was trying to avoid all the potholes which is why the photo is so blurry.

The road from the beach to our house.

Pretty shore pines along the road. I was surprised this photo turned out so well as we were going about 25 mph and I took it through the open side window. Usually side window photos are blurry. I tried to get the cute little pond in it but I was too slow.

Getting closer to home on Sunset Road.

We turn right (south) at this intersection.

We have four to six fires in Surf Pines going constantly as people try to clean up after the storm.

This area at the school bus stop has had all the trees removed. It is going to cost us $1000 to have a company come in and clean up the downed and broken trees along just one (West) side of the driveway. Luckily, the other side of the driveway is OK. I don't know what it will cost to have the trees removed on the other (East) side of the house. New names (jokingly, not really) for Surf Pines are Surf Pine, Surf Sticks and Surf Flats! We have to pay our $500 deductible to have the new half of the roof replaced and $6000-8000 to have the old part of the roof replaced. It is a good thing DeWayne is working again although it is a lot harder for me during the four days he is gone. We had to get a $100,000 equity loan to cover all the debts we incurred loaning money to kids, etc. But it saves a huge amount of interest each month.


ebow said...

I love the picture of the guy waving as he's burning wood. Your town is slowly cleaning up. I'm glad you are going to get your roof done and yard cleaned up. Hooray!

Ashley said...

You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place! All I get to see here is desert, more desert and some more desert!! If you are lucky you might get to see some dried up corn field that they are turning into a highway or building. It really sucks from growing up in Alaska to this. In Alaska you were surrounded by beautiful things, here it is homeless people rotten cacti's (sp) and dirt. BOOOO!!!

Michelle Lee said...

Beautiful pictures of the beach and the ocean. I like the new name Surf Pine. Good job on catching up on your blog.

Love, Shelly

DJ said...

I agree with Ashley, Phoenix is not pretty, I would like to move, I don't know where yet, someplace with trees and streams and mountains. It's sad to see all those trees gone, hopefully more will be planted. It does look like everything is almost cleaned up from the storm. I love all the pictures of the beach, so pretty.

pkabow said...

Thanks for all your comments. A huge machine that grabs a tree and puts it in a pile has been working for three days by our driveway. It is so bare--like a clear cut logging area. We still have forest on the other side of the drive with only two broken trees, but behind our house is a mess!! It will probably cost another $1000 to clean that up. I think the Juchaus should move to Idaho or Utah. Colorado is too far.