Sunday, February 3, 2008

Photos you can add to your collection

My sister, Marcia, feeds these deer regularly. They come to the front door to be fed. She has named one "Hoofy."

This is the 100 year old wreck of the schooner Peter Iredale on the beach in Ft. Stevens State Park, Warrenton, OR.

Snowfall on Pine Ridge Court

Sunset at Sunset Beach near our house.

View South from Neah-Kah-Nie Mt. on Hwy 101.

The "octopus" tree at Cape Meares State Park near Tillamook Oregon. Legend says Native Americans formed this Sitka spruce tree into this shape so that it would be a burial tree that would hold the canoe with the deceased inside. It is over 2000 years old.

A view of the ocean from Cape Meares State Park.

Rhiannon scratching behind both donkey ears at once.

Kids playing in a stream at Cannon Beach, OR.

The face of an innocent baby angel.

The 4.1 mile long Astoria-Megler bridge across the Columbia River which was built in 1966. Before it was built I loved riding the ferry across to the Rosburg-Greys River area where my Hanhi grandparents homesteaded in the early 1900's.


DJ said...

Great Photos! I love that they're your own shots. They look very professional. The one of the deer reminds of when April fed the moose through the front door screen in our house on the base in Alaska. The moose wouldn't leave, Kirk and I were out of town, Valentine was barking, the moose was getting April and her friends had to call the MP's to come and shoo the moose away. He told them that it wasn't safe or a good idea to feed the moose, especially at your door! Silly kids.

Michelle Lee said...

I love the photos too. I will try out my new camera and try to get some great photos of Lake Tahoe when it stops snowing there. There are also wild geese that are at the parks and ponds around here. They stay by the snowy areas, so I had better hurry before all the snow melts and the geese fly back to Canada.

Jennifer said...

Good job Mom! Those are great, I especially loved the two from the same day-one of snow in cool white and blues and then, directly underneath it the red hot sunset in dark shades. Such an awesome contrast. Oregon was so beautiful. I feel so lucky to have gotten to live up there for a while and experience the beauty for myself. i hold it dear to mey heart, like a little retreat in my mind for those rough days. Miss you all lots and can't wait for the reunion. We are still trying to figure out how to get up there but, we do plan on doing so. Love you Mom, Jenn Sue Sid