Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Snow!!!

This is the first snowfall of the year --none in winter!!!!!

Momma deer with a big baby. My sister Marcia's deer have to be fed because they have had deep snow for a long time. We have had weird weather here if you consider the two big windstorms, one in November and one in December. Other than those it has been rain, rain, rain with sunbreaks here and there. Sunbreak is a word the Oregon weathermen use often but is wish it were MORE often.

This is a smaller fawn. Note the neighbor's tree that was broken during our windstorm. We will have to bring a cat/backhoe across his property to get the damaged trees behind our house.

OK, it is a pretty puny snowfall.

I took this from my upstairs bedroom window.

Rhiannon took this from the deck.

It really came down for awhile and has been snowing and hailing but not sticking or building up. This all melted but it is 8 pm and I hear it hailing. It is spring break and Rhiannon is hoping it sticks so she can go sledding with the new sleds we bought. I promised DeWayne that if we bought sleds it wouldn't snow--whoops! And he has to drive from Lincoln City to Portland over the Coast Range and then back over it again to get home after his doctor's appointment. He bought chains so he should be OK.

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