Thursday, June 19, 2008


We went to Portland for a doctor's appointment and took a different highway down to Lincoln City. This is Devil's Lake in Lincoln City across the road from where DeWayne's Dental Clinic is located.

These are mountains south of Tillamook in the Coast Range.

More snowy mountains south of Tillamook

This is Cape Meares looking across Tillamook Bay.

This is looking across Tillamook Bay towards Garibaldi where I used to live.

Here is the G on the hill (for Garibaldi). I took this with a Canon S5-IS super zoom but took it back because of a stupid lens cap that kept falling off and a battery compartment that I couldn't open. Now I have a Nikon Coolpix 80 with 18x zoom. I like it so far.

Another picture of the smoke stack from the lumber mill where my step father worked when it wasn't fishing season. They have set times for commercial fishing of salmon, sturgeon, etc.

A bridge across the highway for pedestrians in Twin Rocks.

Looking across the Nehalem River toward Wheeler.

One of my favorite viewpoints up on Neah-Kah=Nie Mt. looking south down the coast.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I am so far behind in my blog. I have felt "paralyzed" when it came to doing anything. I was exhibiting symptoms of depression--common in diabetes, but I am feeling better now so will try to catch up.
DeWayne has been "logging" now for over six months and has cut down around 20 trees. We have piles of firewood all over the place. Most of the trees that fell were pines with just one spruce and a hemlock or two. Here De is cutting down a tree in the front with his little chain saw.

In the photo below De is using his new Stihl saw in the back acre cutting down numerous trees. This saw works so much better. Racer is watching his Grandpa.

All the trees had to have the branches cut off, and De cleaned up all the undergrowth and brush underneath the trees. He says he is going to make a wheelchair trail through the woods up to the ridge and build a viewing platform up there.

The kids liked the new trails and cleared areas. Ryder is riding his bike down the hill from the house down into the woods. They even put up their play tent down in the trees.

Tiffany is helping her dad clean up the brush in back.

Here are some of the downed trees. DeWayne cuts them into 16 inch logs and stacks them where they fall. They are too heavy to carry very far. We can see all our neighbors with the trees gone. Racer is playing in the logs with his bike.

This is one of the log piles in front of the house with the bare land behind it that used to be forest.

Tiffany and DeWayne cleaning up and burning the brush and branches from the trees.

Racer and Ryder LOVE the fire.

DeWayne is hauling up another wheelbarrow full of brush and limbs.

Ryder and DeWayne taking a well-earned break.

There are a few more trees left to cut down--maybe 5 or so. One of them is that giant spruce.
Firewood anyone? We have a ten year supply!