Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Trip to Tillamook

Five cars full of 27 of us took the trek to Tillamook. It was a comedy of errors trying to keep that group together. We were supposed to meet at the Cape Meares lighthouse, but some of us stopped at the Cheese Factory for a potty break while the rest went ahead, one carload stopped at Starbucks, and two carloads took the wrong road and got lost in the village of Cape Meares, so we all arrived at different times wondering where the other ones were.

The first stop was a photo stop on Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain. I never tire of the view and it looks different each time depending on the weather and time of day. A person can see miles down the coast. Here the group is starting to line up for photos.

The Fordiani family. What a photogenic group. The kids say they have lots of practice lining up for photos as Mom Erica follows them around with her camera at every event.

Manzanita is the small sea front village located at the base of Neah-Kah-Nie Mt.

Rhiannon, Ryder and Racer Lewis.

Ryan and Jazmine Bowman, Brett's kids.

The real Ryan (the imp) showing his true colors.

Michelle and Barry Lee. The twins are in the car buckled in their car seats.

I love this photo as you can see the beach at the bottom where pirates are supposed to have buried there treasure. People have been digging all over the mountain since I can remember trying to find it.

The Nehalem River taken in Wheeler.

The train stop in Wheeler.

Another view of the Nehalem River.

Beautiful Rhiannon at Cape Meares.

Foxglove at Cape Meares (a source of digitalis).

The Octopus tree with the Fordianis.

Tillamook Bay looking toward Bay Ocean.

A close up of Cape Meares with the lowest narrowest part of the Bay Ocean peninsula in front.

Garibaldi and Tillamook Bay.

A wild rose at Cape Meares.

Rocks to the south of the cape.

Pretty view.

Rocks to the West.


The lighthouse on top of the cliff.

I took the last photo from here with my telephoto lens. The path to the lighthouse. Easy going down and hard coming up. I burnt up the motor in my scooter making the trip down and up a few years ago.

Wildflowers. I wish I knew what they are.

More foxglove. Dealers used to come to Garibaldi to buy foxglove, chittem bark (cascara), and blackberries. We kids used to pick blackberries to earn spending money.

We saw this fawn crossing the road following its mother.

Jazmine Bowman and the Fordiani family.

The Juchau family minus Debbie who is wandering around taking pictures.

We all made it to the Cheese Factory.

Dachshund collectibles at the Cheese Factory gift shop.

Painted ponies.

And more ponies.

Jessica, Lisa and Steven Rorman. Where is Stephanie?

left around the table we have Olivia, Jazmine, Rhiannon, Alanna, and Anna. What beautiful granddaughters!!

Michelle, and De holding Brenna.

I lived here from 2nd grade at age 7 until I graduated from high school at age 17. Then my mother and sister Marcia, and brother Gary lived here many more years after my stepfather Eino Mickelson died. The house looked so much nicer without the ugly shed and door. The front yard had grass and flowers instead and shutters painted green or black. My bedroom was on the left where the window is.

1 comment:

Michelle Lee said...

Great pictures mom!!! Dad is actually holding Chantrell in that one picture at the Cheese Factory, not Brenna. I don't mean to correct you but I just can't help it. I love how you told the story of all of us getting lost on the way to Cape Mears lighthouse. It brought back those funny memories. I love the pic of the fawn crossing the road. We held up traffic for that shot. Lisa and Tiffany were honking the horn in their car behind us.
Love, Shelly