Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Here comes slowpoke with the Halloween photos--two weeks late. We got home from Portland after Tiffany and her kid's left, so I don't have them in their costumes, but you can see them on Michelle's blog. Barry brought home six pumpkins.

Tiffany picked an elaborate design out of a Halloween pattern book. Racer is on her lap pretending to eat the piece of pumpkin that Tiffany cut out.

Here he is acting up for the camera. Typical Racer.

What is with the big eyes, Ryder.

Barry is working on Chantrell's pumpkin and Rhiannon on hers.

Barry and Michelle with twins watching.

We are too cute!! Look at us with our baby pumpkins.

Everyone hard at work.



Cute gang posing for me.

Adam (Tiffany's boyfriend) is helping Ryder.

The finished pumpkins.

Brenna in her Halloween pajamas.

Chantrell in hers.

Two babies on the floor.

Sober faces.

Happier faces.

Chantrell has discovered her feet. Brenna wants her hat.

These are their costumes. They are little bears.

Michelle is dressing Chantrell.

Photo shoot.

Rhiannon is showing you their "paws".

The girls with the bear I got Michelle with flowers while she was in the hospital.

Out on the table on the deck.

Aren't we cute? They won the costume prize for their age group at the convention center.

Michelle is a proud mom and happy to have two babies for the price of one (literally).

Autumn Colors

We went to Portland again. This time I scheduled three appointments in one day so I wouldn't have to go three times. We started out at the lower campus by the Willamette River and then rode the tram up to my second appointment at the main campus on Marquam Hill. I loved all the fall colors on the hills between the two areas.

We don't have the vivid colors at the coast. I guess our temperatures aren't cold enough.

I was so excited my first year of college in Eugene at the University of Oregon to experience the leaves falling and walking through them and kicking them up in the air.

These buildings were up on the hill (at the medical school known as OHSU).

More pretty trees.

These are in the coast range at higher altitudes.

We stopped in Beaverton for my third appointment and now we are hurrying because tonight is Halloween.

I wished the sun were shining on these trees.

The sun is setting and we made it home in time for Barry, Michelle and the twins to go to the Convention Center in Seaside for Halloween activities.