What are you eating Kay-Lynn?
Rhiannon, Racer, Ryder, Chantrell, Brenna, and Conner at the Carousel Mall in downtown Seaside.
Connor at the hat store wearing a hot dog and bun hat.
The minivan at Sunset Beach by our house.
Connor and Kay-Lynn's (???) hand taking his picture.
Chantrell feeling the sand.
Our usual stop on Neah-Kah-Nie Mt. to see the gorgeous view.
Rhiannon holding Racer, Connor, and Ryder.
The Blue Heron Cheese Factory has yummy samples to taste and for the kids---THE PETTING ZOO!!!
The boys climbing and being boys.
They love to pet and feed the goats.
Rhiannon and Racer.
Conner behind Brenna, and Racer behind Ryder who is holding tight to Chantrell.
Kay-Lynn and Greg with a few of the kids.
Greg at the Tillamook Cheese Factory.
Rhiannon and Chantrell, and Kay-Lynn and Connor upstairs in the Cheese Factory where you can watch cheese being made, cut and packaged.