Friday, December 17, 2010


Another year is over. Where did it go? Time is flying and we have so much yet to accomplish before our lives are over. I regret all the hours when I should have been studying the scriptures, doing family history and writing my own personal history. At least we have a Christmas letter that I have sent out for 45 of our 50 years of marriage.

DeWayne has been diligently writing his personal history and has put 10 or more years of photos into albums! What a monumental chore that was. He also helped his sister, Deanna, move twice this year and she loves the apartment where she now lives next to the Columbia River. She has a view of the Astoria/Washington Bridge. DeWayne also drives Deanna and me (Kathy) to all our doctor appointments. He started out the year driving Tiffany home from the hospital in Portland after she was taken there by ambulance for a deep cut on her forearm. He also does all the cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry, car and home repairs, lawn care, etc. He cooked the whole Thanksgiving dinner by himself.

Kathy moved down stairs after Tiffany and family moved out into a trailer off Hwy. 26.
DeWayne and Barry painted and put down laminate flooring. Next came a handicap shower unit next door. It is all very convenient. Also they found a Buick Park Avenue in McMinneville and drove that here. Wahoo! No more climbing up into the Suburban. De also got a small trailer to pull the wheelchair after us. Kathy likes to spend time watching TV (HGTV, TLC, and the History channel are her favorites), and reading (Science Fiction and Fantasy novels).

We enjoyed a visit in March from Kay-Lynn and Hannah. We were happy to meet Hannah our 22nd grandchild. Then Jennifer and Zoey visited us in April. We have missed that little Zoey since she was born here and then moved to Las Vegas.

Our 50th Wedding Anniversary was on June 6th but we waited until our family reunion in July to celebrate it. We saw most of the family as well as friends during that time. Debbie, Brett, Lisa, Michelle, Kay-Lynn, Erica, and Tiffany and most of their families were here. Jen had to work so was unable to be here.

Michelle and family moved to Las Vegas were she was hired as a 2nd grade teacher. Jennifer heard next that she was hired to teach first grade. Erica (in Utah) heard earlier this year that she was hired to teach 6th grade. We are so proud of them and of Debbie who is halfway there with her education classes. Jennifer announced that she will be having a baby in June. We are so happy for them. They have waited so long for this. Greg and Kay-Lynn are thrilled with their weight loss. Lisa has had shoulder pain and hopefully her shoulder surgery will solve that problem. Tiffany and Adam have separated so changes will follow in where she and the kids live. They are welcome if they want to come here.

Brett and Katie were married this fall and we welcome her and her son William to the family. We felt badly that due to health problems we were unable to be there. Congratulations and Best Wishes to you! They went on a Mexican cruise on their honeymoon and seem really happy together.

Well we have an Oregon North Coast winter to face. The power has gone out three times already and DeWayne has fired up the generator. The longest time was three hours. Nothing like the week we went through after the Gale of 2007! We have mixed feelings about our "empty nest". It is quiet and lonely (that is a minus) but stays clean (that is a plus). We miss our family down south and would be really happy if Tiffany and kids would move with us.

Family is everything--worth more that all the college degrees and money in the world. We miss all of you and hope you all have a great year!