Friday, September 21, 2007

Wheelchair Lift

I have a new wheelchair lift on the back of my suburban. It runs off the car battery like the old one. The old lift quit working--the motor died. First the platform was bent toward the ground so it scraped every time we went up a steep hill, into an inclined driveway or over a bump. Sometimes it wouldn't go up or down unless DeWayne handcranked it about 200 times. Finally it gave up the ghost and just stopped. I was stuck at home for five days waiting for the new one to get here from Pittsburg. This new one can be driven onto from either direction and has three retractable tie downs. It can also hold a 3 or 4-wheel electric scooter.

This is what it looks like loaded. It is still pretty close to the ground but it doesn't scrape.

This is what it looks like unloaded. You can see the yellow cartridges that hold the tie-downs.

1 comment:

ebow said...

Yea! I'm so glad you finally got the new one. No more 10 step procedure list to get it on and off! It looks really spiffy.