Saturday, July 26, 2008

Two More Families Arrive--Debbie's and Lisa's

W stayed home and waited for Debbie, Kirk and family to arrive. Lisa and family arrived the next day.

This is the tent trailer Debbie and Kirk brought. It had two big beds and the benches made into a bed. It even had a shower and potty area.

Ashley, Regen and Debbie in front of the tent trailer.

Here I am with great grand daughter Regen.

Four generations.......Debbie, Ashley and Regen

Our driveway full of cars. The little convertible Lisa rented is next to Debbie's rental tent-trailer.

Debbie and Regen on one of the many piles of wood.

Lisa's here! With daughter Jessica.

Munchkins on the trampoline. Three neighbor kids and Racer in the red striped shirt and Ryder on the right end.

Vince reading Daniel a story, Erica, Olivia and Rhiannon.

Erica doing something. What are you holding--a game control?

Do you see two specks on top of the mound?

It is Daniel and Steven who went to get the mail with me.

Jazmine holding Regen.

Debbie taking care of my hanging plant. She gave it fertilizer, water and cut of the dead tendrils.

Up in my bedroom for some play with the twins.

Debbie and Chantrell.

Michelle, Ashley and Brenna, in back are Alanna and Regen, and then Debbie and Chantrell.

Michelle and ?

More baby time. Kirk is in the middle watching Ashley dress a twin in the cute dresses she brought.

Anthony and Daniel glued to the TV.

Two cute babies. Chantrell on the left and Brenna on the right.

"I wonder what they'll do if you put one on top of the other?" I said.

Chantrell and Brenna all dressed up.

Ashley and babies.

Tiffany and babies, and Racer, and Daniel.

Playing a game.

Debbie, Kirk, and Ashley with all the babies.

Olivia holding her new cousins.

Racer and baby cousins.

Regen with her cousins, once removed (one generation removed. Ashley, Regen's mom, is the actual first cousin.)

Close-up of the twins.

Two deer close by.

Racer, Ryder, Daniel, Rhiannon, Olivia, Erica, and Anthony.



Ryder and Racer holding pacifiers in the babies mouths.

Quiet, happy babies.

Campfire time and the making of s'mores. I want some more! Hence the word s'mores.

Earlier Racer went out looking for small sticks for kindling in the field next to our house.

What a beautiful two-year-old buck!


DJ said...

I'm glad that you took a picture of the tent trailer, I totally forgot too and wished I had. I love the picture of Regen between the two babies. Today is Regens 1st birthday, Graham called to tell her happy birthday all the way from Afghanistan! Hope you're doing well. Love, Debbie

Michelle Lee said...

Great pictures of Debbie and family and Lisa and family. You took cute pictures of the babies and everyone holding them. Did I ever get you and Dad holding the twins?? I guess I have to come back for another visit for more pictures...ha ha ha. Keep up the good work blogging. I can't wait to see more pictures. Love you. Shelly