Sunday, December 14, 2008

MORE Elk!!!

The elk have been hanging around this area for weeks now.

When I spot them I go downstairs with my camera.

Here they are in the field to the west of our house.

This is a bull, I think--look where the stream of pee is coming from.

Rhiannon says a female is called a cow. She has learned a lot from her favorite tv show, Animal Planet.

Dad and baby.

Five babies and three adults.

More elk.

Moms and their babies.

An elk on guard duty.

Someone or maybe one of the neighborhood dogs caught their attention.

Two days ago Tiffany spotted them for the first time from her bedroom window in our backyard!

The elk are standing on the ledge above our three foot fence.

When we all ran to the windows they started going toward the neighbor's house.

They are in our little garden area.

DeWayne took my camera and took pictures around the corner of the house on the deck.

This is the closest I have been to an elk. They are huge compared to deer--just like a horse.

When you think of the wall being three feet highe you can see how really big the elk is.

We followed the elk to the neighbor's house but they ran down the hill to a meadow.

Michelle kept making noises to get the elk to look at us.

What a beautiful animal! We are totally obsessed with elk.

They are hungry after the rain and wind storm we had.

Bottoms up!!!

Look this way!

This is the meadow they ran down to.


ebow said...

Great shots mom! I can't believe that clear shot of the one in your backyard!

Michelle Lee said...

That's a lot of elk pictures!! What fun we have trying to get the best pictures of elk. They are way more interesting than deer. I don't know why we can't get enough of the elk herds. Maybe it's because they are dangerous and can charge us.