Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Sunday Drive on the Beach

On November 16 Michelle drove us home from church along the beach.

It was high tide and we didn't have much beach to drive on.

The waves were higher than in the summer.

The sun peeked out and made the waves glisten.

People were parked here and there enjoying their Sunday.

We followed the tire tracks.

This guy was fishing.

Dogs love the surf -- seems weird to me.

We came upon an elk carcass.

We couldn't think of a reasonable scenario for it.

Then we came upon a dead seal with its head missing!

Four mysterious horsemen appeared galloping towards us out of the fog.

More sandpipers were running around eating something at the water's edge.

They have long, thin beaks.

Goodbye sandpipers! Have a nice day. We enjoyed our drive on the beach.


Michelle Lee said...

Good job mom!! You captured the weird and strange things that we saw that day. Keep on posting pics from Nov. Eventually we will get caught up before Christmas. I loved the picture of the people on horseback the most. They came by us galloping so fast. It looked like fun to me.

ebow said...

I was looking at the pictures thinking...another beautiful day at the beach for mom and shelly...typical shots...oh! but wait! holy cow! or should I say elk! Your pictures turned crazy with the seal and the men on horses!! Loved it!

Ashley said...

I jsut looked at this...WHAT THE HECK!!!! That was the strangest thing ever. What the heck killed the elk, its legs were ripped off and then those scary men. FREAKKKKYYY!!