Michelle brings the babies in to see me almost every day. Here they come.
Here they go! There little faces are so cute.
This guy was unique as he was the first I've ever seen using a paddle.
Racer enjoyed exploring the beach.
Racer likes spending time with Aunt Shelly.
Brenna and Chantrell love free time on the floor and travel from room to room.
This is the motel where Tiffany works at the front desk. Her back hurts her too much to do housekeeping. She has symptoms of a herniated disk.
Another view of the Hi-Tide Motel
Racer brought me a razor clam to see. Tiffany and Adam took the kids clam digging.
They are pretty big--about 4 inches.
Clean face Racer!!
Is that a clam/creature coming out of the shell?
I have been really lazy over my Christmas break...I've just been catching up on other things and spending time with the kids, I really needed to update my blog and now I'm behind, but that's okay. School has started again, and it seems that I can pack more things in when I'm busier than when I have free time...go figure!...because here I am blogging, or wait...I'm procrastinating on doing my homework...aw hah that's it. Okay, back to homework.
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