Saturday, January 17, 2009

Snow...and Lots of it!!!

Rhiannon and Tiffany. We had four or five days of snow. It melted right before Christmas...bummer.

Adam watching Rhiannon.

Adam and the boys.

Down the hill with Racer. We are lucky our neighbors aren't here in the winter. They spend the winter down in Yuma, Arizona like true snow birds.

Tiffany and the boys. The pond at the bottom is frozen but not enough to walk on, is it Rhiannon????

Tiffany and both the boys--it's a full sled!

Rhiannon pulling one of the sleds back up.

Climbing back up the hill.

Tiffany on the sled with Ryder holding on behind.

Tiffany and Racer climbing the hill after a fun slide down it.

Time to chew our cuds.

Elk next to Surf Pines. Fences don't stop them. Michelle and I were on our way to do our last minute Christmas shopping when we spotted them.

Brenna and Michelle in front of the 11 stockings hung up.

Michelle and DeWayne at the meat fondue pot.

Adam, Tiffany and Barry at the cheese fondue.

Barry and Michelle.

Tiffany,Racer and Adam---Attacking the Hickory Farms box that Kay-Lynn sent.

"And the stockings were hung by the chimney, with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there"

Racer and little cousin Chantrell in front of the tree on Christmas eve.

When the camera is pointed toward a baby Racer runs to get in the picture! Here he is with Brenna.


ebow said...

How did you get your cart up there in the snow to take pictures or did someone else take them? That's more stockings than when you just had your 8 kids all at home!

Jennifer said...

Did you ever get the little sleigh I sent you up with chocolates in it? I never heard. Awesome picts. It is good to see tradition carrying on. I am glad you had a fun Christmas and that you have lots of little kids and babies there to enjoy the simple things in life ,like sledding. I love you. Jenn

DJ said...

Yeah!!!New pictures,I never tire from seeing them and seeing what's going on. It seems like Christmas was forever ago doesn't it? It's almost time for Valentines Day! We are having beautiful weather, it's cool in the morning, around 50degrees and by the afternoon, it's around 70 degrees, aaahhhh. Love you, Debbie

Michelle Lee said...

I took all the pics of the kids in the snow. I even went down the hill sledding two times. The climb back up was a killer on my legs. It was soooo much fun to slide down the hill. The Christmas pics turned out nice mom. Except the ones with me in them. Yuck!! I need to start a diet and exercise program. I don't want to weigh what I did when I was pregnant with the twins. I do like to walk around the block with the girls in their stroller.