Sunday, September 16, 2007


I have had Cuddles, the cat, for a few years. She has spent the last year with Michelle and Barry because when my shoulder was bad I couldn't take care of her. I had my right shoulder joint replaced last October so I do pretty well now, and since Michelle anticipates being pregnant she brought Cuddles back yesterday. Pregnant women aren't supposed to change a cat's litter box and Barry said he wasn't going to do it. My cat was so glad to be back. She has been purring non-stop and found her favorite spot on my bed where she is in this picture. I will probably have my left shoulder replaced in November or December though. I guess DeWayne will have to take over caring for her. Tiffany owns Lightning and Kato who are cuddles sister and brother, but Cuddles fights with them. Cuddles is very defensive of her territory which is my bedroom and bathroom.

1 comment:

ebow said...

Hey mom, Glad you got your cat back. Are you going to be able to control the fleas? Your link for Shelly's blog isn't right. It should be The one you have now has cuss words in every sentence. Love ya!