Saturday, November 3, 2007

Lost Card Reader :(

First, I misplaced the cord that came with the camera to hook it to the computer. I bought a $35 card reader at Verizon cell store. It worked great. I misplaced it too!! Today I bought ANOTHER card reader for $29 at Fred Meyer and I plugged it in, put the card in, the green light came on, and NOTHING HAPPENED!!! So by the time I get Halloween photos on this blog you will all think "HO HUM, boooooring, that is over and done with." Maybe DeWayne will do a massive search of my bedroom and the one I bought at Verizon will turn up :) I can hope so anyway.

1 comment:

DJ said...

I loved your story about the lost card reader, I don't feel so alone in my absent mindedness (sp)? We love your blog and also feel very connected. What a great idea Erica came upon.