Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My Nose and Tongue

I had a skin-colored small bump on my nose and three months ago I cut it off with my cuticle scissors. It still hasn't healed so it is off to the dermatologist tomorrow. I suppose he will want another biopsy and maybe if he cauterizes it it will heal this time. I hope it doesn't turn out to be a melanoma! I just got result of the biopsy of my tongue which showed signs of fungal elements so now I have to go on a two week course of nystatin. I think I bit my tongue and the fungus invaded. Maybe a fungus invaded my nose too.

1 comment:

Michelle Lee said...

Not fun mom. Too bad you have to keep going to doctors for all these wierd growths and red dots that won't disappear. Let us know if it is serious.