Monday, November 19, 2007

Tiffany's Birthday

Tiffany, the lifeguard and swimming teacher, on her 28th birthday.

Rhiannnon is on top, Megan is below her, then Racer is below Megan, and Ryder is in front. Buck is to the right of Tiffany.

Tiffany is modeling her Nike jacket, shirt and pants.

Tiffany turned 28 this year and we had a party for her at the house after Church on Sunday. We got barbequed chicken, cole slaw, mashed potatoes and gravy and cake and ice cream at Safeway. Her friend, Buck, came over and Rhiannon's friend, Megan, was also here. Here is the gang.


Jamie said...

Wow I also turned 28 this year in August.. Well congrats to Tiffany and I hope to meet you all soon! Hopefully at pur wedding;)

Anonymous said...

happy birthday!!!!

Michelle Lee said...

Happy B-day Tiffaroo!! I like the pictures. You look great too.

DJ said...

Happy late Birthday to Tiff,and you do look good!