Sunday, January 25, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas Eve and Chantrell looking grouchy.

Adam with his Santa Claus beard playing with Ryder and Racer. We enjoyed the Hickory Farms gift from Kay-Lynn and family.

Race cars from Grandma Bowman. Why is this underlining again?

Shelly holding Chantrell and Brenna in their cute Christmas pjs.

I told them that they had to sit there and wait for me to take a picture of them.
They were acting wild and were in time out.

Tiffany and kids. Rhiannon looks mad--there is always one kid who isn't happy.

Barry is helping Chantrell with her new walker.

Enjoying watching the kids play with their new toys.

Racer showing his sister a new toy. Nan is holding a cute polar bear stuffed animal.

Ryder opening one of his presents.

Nan is examining a gift and Ryder is watching.

Ryder picked out this drum toy for his brother but he really wanted it for himself.

Tiffy, kids, and a pile of toys. Look out the windows and see our snow!

The twins are taste testing the rattles and toys.

Adam (Tiffany's boyfriend) is putting together the boys truck.

Barry is looking at his game "Pictionary Man." Michelle is opening a gift next to me.

Barry carved our last name into a piece of driftwood he found on the beach. He hung it up outside at the end of the driveway.

Nan went crazy over her Nike hat, outfit, and shoes. Thanks Grandma!

Pretty smile, Nan.

She is holding the Littlest Pet Shop Gym that she asked for. The babies loved playing with the wrapping paper and bows.

"What's in this bag Grandma?"

She is dressed and ready to play outside. Don't get your outfit dirty.

Racer loved the scooter toy that his mommy got him. It moves by turning the wheel back and forth.

Chantrell up close.

Baby Chantrell with a happy smile.

Nan is watching her brothers play with toys.

Ryder is singing a song on his sister's keyboard.

The kids had a good Christmas. They are happy to go outside and play in the new snow. We had several snowfalls in December.

Racer on the scooter.

"Tiffany, what are you doing on the scooter?!"

Adam, his mother's boyfriend, Adam's mother and Adam's sister, Elizabeth.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Snow...and Lots of it!!!

Rhiannon and Tiffany. We had four or five days of snow. It melted right before Christmas...bummer.

Adam watching Rhiannon.

Adam and the boys.

Down the hill with Racer. We are lucky our neighbors aren't here in the winter. They spend the winter down in Yuma, Arizona like true snow birds.

Tiffany and the boys. The pond at the bottom is frozen but not enough to walk on, is it Rhiannon????

Tiffany and both the boys--it's a full sled!

Rhiannon pulling one of the sleds back up.

Climbing back up the hill.

Tiffany on the sled with Ryder holding on behind.

Tiffany and Racer climbing the hill after a fun slide down it.

Time to chew our cuds.

Elk next to Surf Pines. Fences don't stop them. Michelle and I were on our way to do our last minute Christmas shopping when we spotted them.

Brenna and Michelle in front of the 11 stockings hung up.

Michelle and DeWayne at the meat fondue pot.

Adam, Tiffany and Barry at the cheese fondue.

Barry and Michelle.

Tiffany,Racer and Adam---Attacking the Hickory Farms box that Kay-Lynn sent.

"And the stockings were hung by the chimney, with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there"

Racer and little cousin Chantrell in front of the tree on Christmas eve.

When the camera is pointed toward a baby Racer runs to get in the picture! Here he is with Brenna.