Monday, November 5, 2007

Beach Visit

I HAVE to go to the beach at least once a week or I start feeling deprived. This is the closest access to our house and only about five minutes away. DeWayne and I drive down onto the beach and sit in the car and watch the waves and the seagulls. In the summer we see tourists surfing, para surfing, hang gliding, boogie boarding, picnicking with bonfires, building sand castles, flying kites, playing volleyball and football, go-carting with para sails, fishing and you name it. We see pelicans diving into the surf and little sandpipers. In the winter we have the beach to ourselves. After a big storm brings in a pile of driftwood all the locals are there with pickup trucks cutting it up and hauling it away which keeps our beaches clear and clean.

This is the road we drive down and onto the beach. We have to go when it is near low tide when we want to have enough room to drive. The waves lap right up next to the dunes in the winter if it is stormy.

This is looking South towards Tillamook Head which is the Southern most part of Seaside.

The surf was kicking up pretty high.

The sand dunes between the beach and Surf Pines where we live.

Waiting patiently for a hand out.

What a demanding, noisy bird. It wanted its share of the candy bar we were feeding them.

Leaving the beach.

The North entrance to Surf Pines.

Probably the most expensive house in Surf Pines. It is round and on the top of the hill with a 360 degree view of the ocean and environs and the house REVOLVES!

This is Neacoxie (Sunset) Lake. It is long and narrow and is the Eastern boundary of Surf Pines. The most expensive property is either on the ocean or the lake. The rest of us live in meadows or like us, in the pine and spruce forests.


Jamie said...

Oh wow it is beautiful there! We need to take a trip and come there I love the beach and the scenery it just beautiful!

DJ said...

I loved going on your trip to the beach in your blog. What awesome pictures. I'm ready to visit again.

ebow said...

I'm so glad I got to come up again with the kids. It is so beautiful! I love the picture of dad at KFC! Your pictures are great!

DJ said...

Next time you talk to Jen, help her fix her blog so we can leave comments for her, I'm not sure what happened, or is it just me?