Friday, November 30, 2007

Sightseeing with the Bowmans

Going to McMinnville again!! Here we are entering the highway from Surf Pines. We left at 8 am this morning and it was foggy with the sun just breaking through. Most of the photos are taken through the windows of our moving car.

I love the way the sun looks through the fog.

We were on Hwy 26 heading towards Portland. There were pockets of fog everywhere.

It was sort of eiry and spooky.

The higher we climbed the foggier it got.

Blue sky is visible above the dissipating clouds.

A logged over area of woods is in the forefront. You can see stumps and fallen trees.

All alone.

The woods are beautiful in the mist.

Other people are here.

We had to follow this guy until the highway formed a passing lane.

The sun is breaking through the clouds.

A winter landscape.

A pastoral scene on the way to McMinnville.

I wish I knew what type of tree this is, so perfectly rounded.

The tree in the Tillamook Cheese factory. We bought cheese curds and fudge, and ate some clam chowder.

The famous Tillamook cheese factory.

Unusual cloud formations above the cheese factory.

The smoke stack of the old lumber mill in Garibaldi where my step father worked part-time when he wasn't fishing.

This is where I lived from age 7 through 17 in Garibaldi.

The view at sunset from the highest point on the highway on Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain.


Michelle Lee said...

I love the pictures of McMinville and of the Cheese Factory. It brought back memories of living in Oregon and the 3 hour trip to visit you in Seaside. I love squeeky cheese curds and fudge and clam chowder too. Beautiful sights to see when you are driving around the area there.

DJ said...

Thanks for the tour. I loved seeing Grandmas house, brought back memories of when I visited there. She use to let me sit in the living room and eat a stack of pancakes watching the Three Stooges. Dad would get so mad when I would come home and say "Grandma let me do it". Fun memories and beautiful pictures.

Jamie said...

Yes I have to agree I love the pictures and the scenery is just beautiful, I would love to live there:)

Michelle Lee said...

Hi Mom, do you have Brett and Kim's address in Las Vegas or does Dad have it?? I want to send them a Christmas card and picture and letter. E-mail me or call me on my cell phone. Thanks.