Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ft.. Stevens State Park and Other Stuff

Barry drove Michelle, Jazmine, Ryan and me to Ft. Stevens. Everyone else had gone home. Ft Stevens is located at the very NW tip of Oregon between the Columbia River and the ocean.

Barry took pictures for me and I stayed in the car and watched the twins. This is the trail down to the Columbia River.

Michelle Lee.

Barry Lee.

Rhiannon Lewis.

Rhiannon looking at the bird identification display.

Ryan Bowman.

A small bay on the Columbia River.

Jazmine Bowman.

Ryan running along the trail. He ran everywhere.

A nice beach on the Columbia River. Ft. Stevens has miles of river and ocean beaches.

The kids wanted to stay here.

Some of the water fowl.

Rhiannon and Ryan.

Washington on the other side of the Columbia River.

Rhiannon on one of the bridges.

Thick beach grass.

Rhiannon wading.

The South jetty with the ocean on the left and river on the right.

Michelle on the observation platform.

Dare devil kids seeing how close they can get.

Ryan and Jazmine again.

Ryan and Jazmine again.

Ft. Stevens was a coastal defense fort from Civil War times until the end of WWII. 2500 men were stationed here during WW.

Underground bunkers.

More underground buildings.

Some of the offices and barracks.

More rooms.

Jazmine and Ryan.

On to the next attraction.

Th wreck of the Peter Iredale, a commercial sailing vessel that ran aground over 100 years ago. It was a four masted barque that ran ashore four miles south of the Columbia River in 1906

More is exposed at low tide. It is slowly rusting away.

Ryan and Jazmine.

Our final destination. This is the hut where you rent canoes and paddle boats.

Ryan and Rhiannon getting ready.

Michelle overseeing the kids and the boat.

Come on Shelly and give it a try. I can tell by your face that you want to.

Ryan and Jazmine paddling and Rhiannon riding in back.

And they are off!

First the feet and then.........

What's this? They're all in the water!

Closeup of babies just chillin'.

Barry has baby guard duty.

Barry, Michelle and babies.

Jazmine alone.

All three in the water.

Ryan has had enough.

Wait! Someone has to get the boat.

Rhiannon needs help getting the boat back.

Michelle and Barry to the rescue. It was funny watching them trying to get in the boat without getting wet.

Michelle and Barry paddling and Rhiannon riding in front.

I found some more cute photos on another memory card. Jazmine loving on the babies.

Downtown Seaside at the elephant ear place.

Going around the table starting with Ryder in the orange shirt are Ryder Lewis, Ryan Bowman, Stephanie Rorman , Rhiannon Lesis, Lisa Rorman bending over, Jessica Rorman and Steven Rorman.

Ryder and Racer Lewis, Tiffany standing up, Jessica Rorman, and Rhiannon Lewis.

Jennifer Hotchner and Jazmine Bowman.

Tiffany's "stroller".

Jennifer and Brian Hotchner and Zoey.

What a cutie!

Stephanie on the wall, Lisa in back, then Jessica and Jazmine on the bench.

Taking down the tent with Brian's help. Time for the Fordianis to leave:(

1 comment:

Michelle Lee said...

I love your pictures from Ft. Steven's State Park. Your post looks just like mine but with some different photos. There are some funny ones of me and Barry in there. Good job on blogging and finding more photos from the vacation. It is nice to check out your blog everyday and find not one but two new entries. You have been working hard!!