Sunday, September 21, 2008

Doing Errands with Michelle

And we are dressed and ready to go after waiting for Ryder to get off the bus after Kindergarten,

Chantrell and Brenna are "Pretty in Pink"

Astoria is the first stop. Look carefully and you can see the Astoria Column on top of the hill to the left.

Someday we will have to get out of the car and see what the significance of the Indian statue is.

The Astoria-Megler bridge across the Columbia River.

Houses on the south slope with a fantastic view of Young's Bay.

The bridge across Young's Bay.

Young's Bay looking east.

The Flavel House (now a museum) in downtown Astoria.

Old houses on the hill across from the Oregon Health Plan office. Michelle had to drop off an application.

Ryder waiting sort of patiently.

Next stop was Fred Meyers.

Rhiannon in the toy department.

She has a pride of lions all set up.

The last stop was the beach. Rhiannon is pretending to be a horse.

Tillamook head in the distance. Lots of beach exposed as it was low tide.

Golden beach grass.

The kids are playing in all the shallow pools. Why is this underlining?

Rhiannon chasing the seagulls.

Here comes that horse again.

We said "You can wade, but don't get wet".

Galloping horse.

See her hands? Those are the horses hooves.

We have had a wonderful September. The beach calls us. We will probably go again tomorrow.

Bye seagulls--we have to go home now.


DJ said...

I love your ocean pictures and the way the sun is casting almost looks like Rhiannon is a real little pony. April played just like that when she was young, holding her hands in hoof position, she was just doing it the other day and whinnying at Devon. The picture with the sun and all it's rays is so pretty, I'm glad you're able to get to the beach more often. The girls are really changing,it almost looks like Brenna is bigger than Chantrell.

Michelle Lee said...

Pretty pictures mom. I enjoy our many trips together when it is such nice weather. The kids crack me up with all their antics. I'm glad you are posting on your blog because I can't find the time to update mine.