Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fun Around the House

I am really enjoying having Michelle, Barry and the twins here. Chantrell is really liking her fruits and vegetables.

Racer had fun with his stick-on tattoos.

Ryder has been riding Rhiannon's pink bike and he was the only one without a new bike. Since he didn't get one for his birthday, I got tired of that sad little boy crying because Rhiannon's bike didn't work right or had a flat tire, so I caved in and sent Michelle and Ryder to Fred Meyer and this is the new bike they came home with.

Kato loves it here. He is the king of the cats. He loves to play outside. Here he is on top of one of the wood piles.

Brenna and Chantrell enjoy floor time every day and roll and scoot around.

Chantrell can lift her head up high.

This shows how different they are from each other.

Michelle is working on Steven's Christmas stocking for Lisa (with the help of Ryder and Brenna).

Michelle has this routine consisting of swing, tummy time, playing with this toy, etc. Brenna is looking at me instead of at the toy.

Chantrell is holding one toy in her right hand and reaching for another with her left hand.

This is the chair they sit in when it is baby food time.

Time for yard work. Barry is mowing the lawn while Michelle waters it.

The babies are enjoying the warm weather too.

Ryder likes to play with his baby cousins. Chantrell is in front.

Brenna has the back seat while Ryder is dangling a toy for her.

Ryder comes tearing up the hill from the neighbor's house where his best friend, Justin, lives.


Jennifer said...

Very cute pictures Mom. It is good to see what you guys do each day. I am glad to see that Shelly has gotten being a Mommy down to a routine and science now. I love knowing that you are each a support system to each other, even in as simply as keeping one another company. Looks like you are having beautiful weather ther. It is still hot here. I keep waiting for it to cool off but, I still sweat when I go outside to eat my lunch in my car at work. Love ya, Jenn

DJ said...

What a nice Grandma to buy Racer a bike, he'll have hours of fun on that bike and you have a great driveway for riding. No one rides here, too hot, soon it will be cool, school is crazy, my biology class is killing me, it's been over 30 years since I've even heard some of these terms and some concepts I've never even heard of, ugh!! I have a test on osmosis and diffusion tonight, from the lab we did last week and then we're doing a lab on enzymes tonight also. My art history is fun, I'm doing my power point on Leonardo da Vinci, and we have a field trip to the art museum in Novemeber. My Children's Lit is an online class and there is just alot of busy work, though I did an online power point Ocean ABC book, maybe I'll post it. Glad everyone is doing well, Love Debbie

Michelle Lee said...

I love the baby pictures that you took. Your camera makes them look so good. I don't even mind the pictures that you took of me. It is kind of cool to see what things we do around the house on a nice day. Today has been stormy and raining and I'm staying inside playing on the computer while Barry does his duty (watching the babies all day)he he he, that's me laughing.