Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gorgeous September Weather!

We have had the most beautiful weather. September is the best month on the coast. It is too bad everyone is in school now or I would say let's have our family reunion in September.

Unloading babies.

Michelle and Barry are trying out the baby carriers they got at the baby 2nd hand store.

Ryder is waiting for his basket of sand toys. Tiffy took Racer to day care this day:(

A man stopped his car and gave the kids sand dollars. He found a spot at low tide where he picked up 500 he said.

This is the first time in three years that I have had my wheelchair on our beach and actually got my toes in the sand and water.

I loved the reflection of the seagull in the wet sand.



Jennifer said...

What cute photos of those little babies and thier parents. You look like you had fun on the beach and yes, that is a really cool photo of the seagull you took. Sometimes I steal you photos and add them to my special images file folder to look at and treasure. I love you. Jenn

Michelle Lee said...

Thanks for posting the pics of all of us at the beach. It was such a nice day to relax. At least for a couple of hours. Keep up the good work on your blog!! One of these days when I'm not babysitting 5 kids all day long...I will update my post too.

DJ said...

I'm glad you were able to actually sit on the beach and feel the sand wth your toes, and feel the wind blowing through your hair and smell the salty water...all outside of the confines of the car...good for you. I wish I could bottle up that smell. MMMMmmmm, delicious.