Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bowman Reunion Gymnastics!

Gymnasts--young and not so young!

Maddy, Xander, Racer, Justin, and Ryder. Racer and Ryder are Tiffany's boys and the other three are neighbor kids.

Rhiannon Lewis.

Jen Bowman Hotchner.

Jen again.

Ryder Lewis.

I think this is Alanna Juchau.

Who's who?

Olivia?, Alanna?holding Racer, Daniel, Ryan behind Daniel, Rhiannon, and Anthony.

Daniel Fordiani.

Ashley Juchau Traines.

Jazmine Bowman.

Racer Lewis.

Rhiannon Lewis.

Rhiannon looking just like her mom in the photo below.

Tiffany Bowman.

Tiffany doing a "whip".

Future gymnast, Zoey Hotchner.

Erica Bowman Fordiani.

1 comment:

Michelle Lee said...

I like the video clips of Tiffy and Ryder on the trampoline. Great shots of everyone elso on the tramp too. It's fun to see how much energy they all have. It will be awhile before I let my little girls get on a trampoline. Maybe they will start out in a bouncy house where it is safe.