Getting ready to go to the airport.
Hurry up Ryder and get your jacket and shoes on!
What a cute kid!
Is it all going to fit in this little car Tiffany rented to take the kids to the airport?
Racer needs his shoes on, too.
Pause and pose for a picture.
OK -- One kid loaded.
Ryder is ready.
You look cute Rhiannon. Have fun in Las Vegas. I will miss you!
Well Tiffany has been camping at Spruce Run up highway 26. She met Adam a couple of days after the kids left and they have been together every day since. On this day they came and cleaned out Tiffany's car and washed hers, Dad's and my cars. She has also been working at the pool as usual.
Here are some candid photos of them.
Polishing DeWayne's truck.
Drying my suburban.
Does it pass inspection?
The kids will be back in one week just in time for birthday parties for Rhiannon and Ryder who missed their birthdays because of the trip to Las Vegas. Also they will have to get ready for school and Ryder starts Kindergarten. Rhiannon will be in the 4th grade. Tiff is out of work for August and September because a boiler broke down and the pool will be closed.
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Adam looks just like my ex Robert. Does he have red hair too?? I wonder what he would think of you posting all those naked chest and tummy pictures of him. They aren't the most flattering poses of him. But, anything has got to be better than the other guy, you know who. I hope Tiffy had fun while the kids were gone. Do you think she will get a new job since her pool will be closed? Anyway, I will call you later and we can chat.
Tiffy took the camera and showed him the photos before I posted them. He is cool about things--kind of laid back. His hair is blond or I should say was because he just buzzed it. Well he will match Ryder and Racer because Donny buzzed theirs too!
Why did you cut their beautiful long hair, they are surfer boys.
You look like you were spying on them, that is awesome.
Hopefully he isnt a total dueshe.
I was spying on them from my bathroom window, but when I showed them to Tif she was so excited she ran down with the camera to show them to Adam and asked me to post them so everyone and especially Jen could see who Tif is totally in love with now. what do we know about this old is he, what does he do for a living, does he own his own car, house, does he have any kids, ex-wife, schooling, religion, come on Tiff...tell us?!!
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