Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Berries, a Hose, and the Pied Piper

Barry went blackberry picking.

He came back with a bunch of scratches on his legs and......

....lots of berries that Michelle made into a cobbler!

Why are the kids pulling on the hose?

Because it is stuck about three feet down a mole hole that Adam (Tiffany's boyfriend) attempted to flood with water. It has been stuck for several days. How will DeWayne solve the problem now that he is here? he has a cold so came home one day early.

Our simple walk to get the mail turned out to attract a few extra kids. Michelle is the Pied Piper of the neighborhood.

Xander, Matti, and Justin tagged along and we had to walk back another little boy who attempted to join us half way around!

Racer--turn around! You are going the wrong way. We were taking advantage of the 80 degree weather we had last week.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Michelle and Barry Drive Me To Portland

We started our trip to one of my doctors in Portland on a foggy morning.

Some of the views were really pretty.

Yhe coast range with wispy fog.

Foggy Hwy. 26.

After my appointment we rode the tram up to Marquam Hill.

Looking out the windows of the tram.

Here is Chantrell.

Brenna is dressed in a twinsy outfit.

A view of Portland from Marquam Hill.

The Willamette River.

Another view of Portland.

A close up view of the downtown area.

Michelle and Barry on the observation deck.

The Marquam Bridge.

And moi.

A froggy fountain.

Here's the frog.

The building we were in. It is one of the many hospital buildings on the hill belonging to OHSU (Oregon Health Sciences University).

The dental school building where DeWayne went to school and where I worked as a Research Assistant in Oral Pathology.

Another observation deck below us.

Portland with the Marquam Bridge approaches in front.

The Ross Island Bridge. We crossed this bridge morning and night for four years--about 800 times. Actually more because we worked summers at the dental school tool.

Another view of the observation balcony where we were. Brett was born up here in one of the older buildings. All the medical and dental wives had their babies up here on the hill.

A Portland trolley.

A Portland streetcar.

And lots of bikes!! We have to come back to Portland on October 31st for two more doctor's appointments. I like to do something different each time along with my doctor's visits.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fun Around the House

I am really enjoying having Michelle, Barry and the twins here. Chantrell is really liking her fruits and vegetables.

Racer had fun with his stick-on tattoos.

Ryder has been riding Rhiannon's pink bike and he was the only one without a new bike. Since he didn't get one for his birthday, I got tired of that sad little boy crying because Rhiannon's bike didn't work right or had a flat tire, so I caved in and sent Michelle and Ryder to Fred Meyer and this is the new bike they came home with.

Kato loves it here. He is the king of the cats. He loves to play outside. Here he is on top of one of the wood piles.

Brenna and Chantrell enjoy floor time every day and roll and scoot around.

Chantrell can lift her head up high.

This shows how different they are from each other.

Michelle is working on Steven's Christmas stocking for Lisa (with the help of Ryder and Brenna).

Michelle has this routine consisting of swing, tummy time, playing with this toy, etc. Brenna is looking at me instead of at the toy.

Chantrell is holding one toy in her right hand and reaching for another with her left hand.

This is the chair they sit in when it is baby food time.

Time for yard work. Barry is mowing the lawn while Michelle waters it.

The babies are enjoying the warm weather too.

Ryder likes to play with his baby cousins. Chantrell is in front.

Brenna has the back seat while Ryder is dangling a toy for her.

Ryder comes tearing up the hill from the neighbor's house where his best friend, Justin, lives.