Monday, September 29, 2008

Michelle and Barry Drive Me To Portland

We started our trip to one of my doctors in Portland on a foggy morning.

Some of the views were really pretty.

Yhe coast range with wispy fog.

Foggy Hwy. 26.

After my appointment we rode the tram up to Marquam Hill.

Looking out the windows of the tram.

Here is Chantrell.

Brenna is dressed in a twinsy outfit.

A view of Portland from Marquam Hill.

The Willamette River.

Another view of Portland.

A close up view of the downtown area.

Michelle and Barry on the observation deck.

The Marquam Bridge.

And moi.

A froggy fountain.

Here's the frog.

The building we were in. It is one of the many hospital buildings on the hill belonging to OHSU (Oregon Health Sciences University).

The dental school building where DeWayne went to school and where I worked as a Research Assistant in Oral Pathology.

Another observation deck below us.

Portland with the Marquam Bridge approaches in front.

The Ross Island Bridge. We crossed this bridge morning and night for four years--about 800 times. Actually more because we worked summers at the dental school tool.

Another view of the observation balcony where we were. Brett was born up here in one of the older buildings. All the medical and dental wives had their babies up here on the hill.

A Portland trolley.

A Portland streetcar.

And lots of bikes!! We have to come back to Portland on October 31st for two more doctor's appointments. I like to do something different each time along with my doctor's visits.


DJ said...

What a fun trip... that was nice that Barry and Michelle could take you. I bet it was nice to see different scenery, I would need a big city fix if I lived in a small town like Warrenton. When we lived in Fairbanks, it was a real treat to go to Anchorage (not that Anchorage is a huge city) but it was fun to eat at places we didn't have and shop at stores that we only saw on commercials. You all look great and the girls are adorable. Love you, Debbie

Michelle Lee said...

Good pictures mom. I like the way you take pictures of everything and then make it into a virtual trip of Portland. That was a nice drive and a fun way to spend the day in the big city. I loved going to Target too. Thanks for letting us come along for the ride.