Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More Elk!

The elk are still here. OK. I admit I am obsessed with elk and have been ever since we moved here, so here is a photo show of elk.

The elk climbed this pile of sand the neighbor hauled in to make a berm. He brought in several dump trucks full of sand in January after the windstorm blew down the trees hiding his house and the pile has been sitting there for eight months.

Michelle got this photo. It is my favorite. She said she was afraid he would charge her if she went any closer!

This is the empty field next to our house.


Michelle Lee said...

Some pictures are blurry and some are clear. I must have moved the camera on super telephoto lens to get it so blurry. I love the elk on the big hill. I didn't dare walk any closer than I did. The male was staring me down.

DJ said...

Awesome...all I see when I look out my window are geckos and birds stealing Rileys dog food. :(