Saturday, August 2, 2008

July 4th--What a blast!!

What a day!! We started out with family photos, then all the kids and some moms headed for the trampoline. DeWayne was the bar-b-que master, and we all pitched in on the side dishes, home made baked beans, potato salad from scratch, pickles, olives, watermelon and sliced tomatoes, onions and lettuce to go with the hot dogs and hamburgers. Then most of the gang headed for Seaside to stake out our spot on the beach for the campfire. Michelle, twins, DeWayne and I were the last ones to arrive bringing the total to 30. All the people set off some of their fireworks before the city started their show about 10:00 pm when it finally got dark. Washington state allows more leeway in the type of fireworks they sell such as sky rockets and Roman candles, so lots of people drove across the bridge and bought theirs in Washington. The city's show lasted at least 30 minutes but by then everyone was setting off their big ones so you couldn't really tell when the city's stopped. Meanwhile we ate more hot dogs and made s'mores. When we left at 11 pm the fireworks were still going strong. It feels like I imagine a war zone would be in a small way.

Zoey is petting my cat. Do you see the white fur and one ear sticking up?

Oh ZoZo--you are too cute!!

Yes, you!!

Your face looks like the kewpie doll I had when I was a little girl.

It's OK--you can pet Cuddles.

Look Mom, Grandma said it was OK.

Picture time!! Here we have the Lee's. Barry and Michelle and Brenna and Chantrell. I can't tell which twin is which because they have hats on and they are dressed alike. Brenna usually wears pink and Chantrell wears purple. The Lees live in Reno NV.

OK. I think Barry is holding Chantrell and Michelle has Brenna.

Representing the Juchau clan we have Debbie, the matriarch, and Kirk, the patriarch, then Alanna the youngest child of 5 and Ashley Traines holding Regen. Aubrey and David Gibbons, Kris and Jamie Juchau and their 7, and April and baby Devon Steer all had to work and missed the reunion. Maybe next year? The Juchaus live in Avondale, AZ. Their family has grown to 19--Holy Cow!! And some of the kids haven't even started having babies, yet!

The Rormans consist of Jessica on the left, then Stephanie, and Lisa and Steven in front. Patrick couldn't get time off because he just transferred to the Monterey CA route and he was low man as far as taking vacation days go. They live in Pebble Beach CA.

DeWayne and Kathy with 6 of the 8 kids. What a bunch of goof balls.

That's better. In back left to right are Debbie, Lisa, Michelle, Erica, Jennifer, and Tiffany. I just realized that they lined up by age.

Ryan (11) and Jazmine Bowman (12) are Brett's kids. They live with their mom, Heather, in Pahrump, MV

Aren't they the cutest, nicest (is that a word?) kids? I am so proud of my grandchildren!

Racer just had a melt-down, what is Ryder doing with his eyes and Tiffy is barely holding on to her emotions. Time out!

OK Lets try it again. Racer still doesn't look too happy.

OK!!! Much better. Tiffany lives with us and her munchkins are Rhiannon (standing), Ryder and Racer Lewis.

Let's try it with a chair. Kinda cute!

Brian, Jennifer and little Zoey Hotchner live in Las Vegas. One try and they got a good photo.

Why do we need to take this again?

Now I know where Brett and his son Ryan got it from! (The impishness)

And another one. I can't believe I'll be 70 on my next birthday.

One try and a perfect picture. The Fordianis live in Payson, Utah. Left to right are Olivia, Erica, Vince, and Anna. In front are Daniel and Anthony.

What kind of shoes are the kids wearing, hmmmm?

Here we are--all 30 of us. I think we would have 53 if everyone came.

Why are we taking so many pictures????

And again. Hurray--we're done!!

Regen and Daniel.

Regen Traines. Her daddy is serving in Afghanistan.

OK--we weren't done. Here are Ashley and Regen.

And the grandkids plus one great grandchild.

Oh what nice little kids you can be.

Dad Barry with a twin.

Kirk with granddaughter Regen.

Vince with Racer (Tiffy's youngest) and Daniel

Michelle and Barry with uncooperative babies.

Michelle and Daniel and the twins.

Yay--we're free--free at last.

I thought the rule was no more than two at a time.

That looks like 7!!!

Me and my oldest, Debbie. Isn't she beautiful and certainly doesn't look like a grandma!

Time to feed the babies.


That's Tiffany!!

And Tiffany again.

Whoa Erica!!! You look good!

Who is this? Is it Rhiannon?

OK -- let's feed this bunch!

The table is full--some will have to eat in the kitchen or living room. Our table doesn't hold 30 seats.

Mor of the gang.

What is Jamine doing?

I think that's Olivia????

Daniel, Erica's youngest.

Kirk and Debbie.

Anna Fordiani.

And moi.

Different view, same gang.

The kitchen bunch.

At the beach on the promenade (Prom). Michelle and twins in the stroller.

The air is thick with smoke from the fireworks. Volleyball game in progress.

Another view of the beach and all the people.

Ryan Bowman.

Steven Rorman.

Barry Lee.

A twin.

The other twin.

Erica Fordiani.

Alanna Juchau with her niece, Regen Traines.

Lisa Rorman.

Jazmine with beautiful red hair.

Rhiannon Lewis.

What's on your hands, Zoey?

Could it be part of the same marshmallow Jen is holding, while trying to take a photo with her left hand?

Some of the gang on the beach.

I finally got a candid shot of Stephanie (with a marshmallow mouth).

More people around the fire.

Hi Tiffany.

The Rorman kids all looking up at the fireworks--Stephanie, Steven and Jessica.

Hi Zoey. We like it up here on the Prom.

Happy 4th of July everyone!!!! Watch the videos below and enjoy the 4th with us.


1 comment:

Michelle Lee said...

Great family pictures of everyone!! I think that the pic of Olivia on the trampoline is actually Jenn. She is wearing the same color shirt in other photos. Erica, Jenn, and Tiff are all in good shape and young enough to play on the trampoline. When I jump on the trampoline, I lose my bladder and have a little accident. And that was before the babies. Imagine what it would be like after having twins. No thank you. I love the little video clips of the 4th of July fireworks. We all had so much fun there. Thanks for posting your pics and finishing up the trip. It was worth it, I think!!! :)