Monday, October 8, 2007

Michelle called

Michelle just called (Monday, 6 p.m.) to tell me that they arrived in Reno safely with no trouble with the U-Haul truck or Tony's Mitsubishi Montero (they towed Barry's truck), and are staying in a Quality Inn motel while Barry and Tony look for a place for them to live. Michelle spent her first day at her new school, got fingerprinted, got an ID tag and shadowed the substitute teacher around. She has 25 little kindergarteners, 20 boys and 5 girls, with 2-3 having IEP's (development problems, needing Individual Education Plans, hence IEP), so she will have classroom management challenges. The school is near the center of town and is in an older building with a really large classroom with lots of windows. She sounded totally happy and excited. Barry and Tony weren't there so she was going to go track them down and find someplace to have dinner. Call her cell phone to talk to her. I gave you her # before in an email.


ebow said...

20 boys! Oh my! Michelle is going to have her hands full! It is all so great and exciting for them. I hope everything works with having an extra person living with them. What do you think of a reunion there next year? Where would everyone stay? As a side note, I am not going to organize any kind of Christmas exchange because no one really wants to do it anyway. We can all just post Christmas letters on our blogs and call it good. Think of the money we can save on stamps!

pkabow said...

Depending on everyone's schedules, a reunion in Reno, with maybe some time at Lake Tahoe, would be great. If we have it toward the end of June, we could also see Michelle's new baby which is due June 10th. I think we would all have to camp unless we strike it rich and can rent a house at Lake Tahoe. Maybe I will get my inheritance from Esther and Floyd by then. Maybe we will rent a motor home or vacation trailer and we can all stay in the same campground. I think it might be too hot to camp in Reno in June, and I don't know whether Michelle will be up for camping by then just a couple of weeks after having a baby. Camping up at Lake Tahoe would be nice that time of year or in July. July would be better for Michelle and the new baby. Everyone think about it and let me know what your ideas are.