Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mushroom Photos

A group of tiny mushrooms up by the mailboxes.

A great, big brown mushroom.

A big reddish-brown mushroom.

A large (6inches across) red mushroom up by the mailbox.

Kato is enjoying the sunshine and the grass. He follows us like Mary's little lamb, up to the mailbox, to the bus stop, around the block, and up at the neighbor's house in this case.

Rhiannon is sitting at the top of the stairs at the neighbor's house enjoying the warm weather and the view of the pond, meadows and mountains.

I am at the top of the hill at the neighbor's house sitting by a giant spruce tree. They have gone home for the winter so I like to go up there and look for elk and ducks in the pond at the bottom of the hill.

We are in the midst of a ten-day projected warm spell. It was 73 degrees today, just warm and gorgeous with this soft, gentle breeze blowing. It was 79 degrees down in Newport! 70 degrees on the coast is like 80 degrees inland. I met Rhiannon at the bus stop and it took us 40 minutes to walk home when it usually takes us less than five minutes. We took pictures of each other, mushrooms and Kato the cat. How did you like coming with us on our our nature walk? Nicer photos to look at than those awful ones of my face!

1 comment:

DJ said...

What fun you and Rhiannon have, it reminds me of the times I spent with your mom. I have wonderful memories, as will Rhiannon.