Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Shoulder Surgery

Tiffany and her new friend, Pete, took me to my appointment with my orthopedic surgeon this morning and I am approved for a left shoulder replacement. Last year in October, I had my right shoulder replaced and now my left shoulder is worse, so I will be having that surgery in Portland next month. Then I will have a total of my left knee, right and left hips, and right and left shoulders all replaced. Hey, I still have a right knee, elbows, ankles, etc to go. Oh, I forgot, I had carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand, and a disc excision on my back. If I only felt like the bionic woman!

1 comment:

DJ said...

I'm glad you're finally going to get your other shoulder repaired. You'll be able to do so much more. I hope your mouth surgery went well. I'll call you today later. Love Debbie