Friday, October 19, 2007

An Update on Michelle

We talked to Michelle tonight and she is sick with a bad cold and bronchitis. She got some medicine from the doctor at Urgent Care and was doing some kind of breathing treatment when we called. She has taught one and a half weeks now and says she has six boys in her class that she is having trouble with. Barry and Tony carried in 25 bins of school stuff that Michelle has collected over the years for teaching into her classroom and she is getting it all unpacked and set up, while Barry and Tony are getting the stuff at the house unpacked and set up. Barry and Tony are still job hunting. The company Barry worked for in Oregon gave him a referral to the same company in Reno and they said they will call him when they have work. Meanwhile he is job hunting at the same places Tony is. Michelle says she will get a car, and set up the internet after she gets a paycheck, so she hasn't been able to read any email or blogs since before they moved. I will keep you up to date when I have anything to pass on to you all.

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