Saturday, October 13, 2007

Roof Repair

Last winter's November storm blew off lots of shingles and our roof leaked. We had a tarp put on about ten months ago, and now that DeWayne has gone back to work we finally have the money to have it fixed. It will be another week or two before they begin the work because we have already had a few rainstorms during which the roofing company hasn't been able to work. They are behind in fixing all the other roofs that were damaged. As long as ours gets fixed before the really big storms roll in off the Pacific and the Gulf of Alaska I will be happy! No more leaks, please.

Our roof is covered with a "lovely" blue tarp. This is taken with a telephoto from Neacoxie Road (which is the street behind us) across the neighbor's unlandscaped sand lot. You can't see our green grass because of the high rock and sand berm that separates the two properties. When they put in this rock wall they should have made it twice as high as it is instead of leaving that sand pile on top. For those of you who haven't been here, this view is of the back of our house. The top left windows are my bedroom, the top right are Rhiannon's bedroom. The bottom left are the dining room windows and the bottom right are Tiffany's. All the six center ones are to the living room which has a two-story ceiling. There is another bedroom upstairs and a computer room downstairs as well as a total of 3 and 1/2 baths--just right for the two of us, but a little crowded with Tiffany plus her three, and really crowded when company comes to stay over.

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