Thursday, October 18, 2007

Oral Surgery

Come on, Racer, look at Grandma for a picture. What cute little boys they can be and little terrors at other times.

The photos that follow are ones I took out the window of our car as we traveled to and from McMinnville where I had oral surgery this morning. I feel great as long as I keep taking pain pills. It was really rainy on the coast and as we came over the coast range, but it was nicer in the valley and I got lots of photos of the farmlands and the cute streets in McMinnville with autumn foliage. When we got back to Seaside we saw evidence of the wind storm.

The wind blew things around at our house.

The wind blew the chairs into the blackberry bushes

The trampoline is half-way across the yard

A machine lifts branches out of the creek on the South end of Seaside

Creek full of wind-blown branches

A farm in the valley

Beautiful fields--looking East

An Oregon retirement home--any buyers??

Come on in!

Fall colors in the valley

A street in McMinnville

Another view of downtown McMinnville

Downtown McMinnville

Farmlands about one hour West of Portland in Yamhill County

A pastoral scene of sheep browsing (or do they graze?)

We saw signs for several wineries in this area

I could live here

More beautiful farmland

The ubiquitous Oregon log truck

OK--I survived the surgery after all. It was really scary. I hate that automatic blood pressure cuff, but I asked her to put it on my forearm and that worked out fine. The doctor was really slick starting the IV and that's all I remember until I woke up. I guess he gave me shots (nerve blocks) in my gums, so I wasn't in real pain until they wore off. Now I have percocet plus the oxycontin so I feel greeeaaaat. He removed eight teeth and the lump on my tongue, so when I go in for my post op check up in a week I will find out what it was and let you all know.

We had a big wind and rain storm today. It rained for the two hours there and back but I think we were in the doctor's office when most of it happened.


DJ said...

Well I'm glad to hear you did so well with the surgery. Your pictures are so beautiful. The colors of the leavs are spectacular. We don't get anything like that here, maybe up north in Flagstaff. I would like to take a weekend trip to see the leaves, but every weekend is so busy! How did your roof survive? Did any repairs get done before all the wind and rain?

ebow said...

McMinnvile is really pretty--reminds me of here! He He. I'm glad your doctors were great and just wiped you out with drugs--during and after.