Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Update on Michelle

While Michelle was teaching, Barry and Tony found a house to rent! It is a two bedroom, one bath bungalow with a small yard and parking area, but no garage. It sounds really small, but she said it is clean, newly painted and the price is only $825 a month. They signed a year lease and are moving in tomorrow. Their address is 617 Moran Street, Reno, NV 89502. Now they have the "fun" of connecting telephone, electricity, garbage, cable, internet, getting new driver's licenses, finding a obstetrician, etc. In the meantime, you can call her on her cell phone. She hasn't told the principal she is pregnant yet, either. And today was the last day the substitute teacher will be there, so tomorrow she is on her own. One good thing, there are 15 boys and 10 girls. Five girls were absent yesterday, so that is better than 20 boys and 5 girls. (I'm not saying boys are bad, just harder to manage). Monday Barry is reporting to the Reno office of the construction company he has been working for to hopefully start work right away. Tony is going to apply at the same company. Oh, and they are going to go buy a car for Michelle since hers burned up, and Barry will need his truck back for work on Monday. A lot has been happening in their lives in the last 2-3 weeks!

1 comment:

DJ said...

Wow!!! I can't believe Michelle is taking all this on in her first trimester, I was always so tired. I'll have to call her this evening to hear first hand what she thinks of teaching again and how she likes the house. What excitement for them.